
Over 38 years of service to the Capital District.
Over 38 years of service to the Capital District.
Karner Psychological Associates has 2 locations serving the people of the Clifton Park/Saratoga and Albany/Guilderland, New York areas for over 38 years.  They have 26 therapists who see people of all ages, children, adolescents, and adults.  Couples counseling, family counseling, depression and anxiety are just to name a few of their specialties.  They are highly respected throughout the Capital Region.
Karner Psychological Associates has 2 locations serving the people of the Clifton Park/Saratoga and Albany/Guilderland, New York areas for over 38 years. They have 26 therapists who see people of all ages, children, adolescents, and adults. Couples counseling, family counseling, depression and anxiety are just to name a few of their specialties. They are highly respected throughout the Capital Region.
Karner Psychological Associates
Guilderland Office
Karner Psychological Associates Guilderland Office


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