June 2020 we are harvesting Romaine lettuce at our Kingston, WA family farm. Come and get it!
Spice up your summer salads and snacks with plump, flavorful radishes.
Beans, cauliflower, and red Brussels sprouts will be ready for harvest soon. Delish!
The field is ready - it's time to plant peas!
Cutting seed potatoes before planting.
Ready to plant potatoes!
Newly planted radicchio seedlings at Fat Turnip Farms in Kingston, WA. In 60 days this radicchio will be ready for your family to enjoy!
Planting tomato seedings. The black plastic retains moisture and heat to help them grow and reduces weeds.
Seedlings ready to plant: peppers, squash, cucumbers, greens, fennel, and much more.
Can you guess what these are? Artichoke seedlings! Yes, our Kingston, WA weather produces delicious artichokes, too. Each plant will grow six feet tall - wow!
The tractor is loaded with kids and veggie starts! Ready to plant salad greens, peppers, tomatoes, and more.