Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1986

About Us

  • The services for adoptive families and pregnant women are unparalleled at A Baby Step Adoption Agency.For thirty years, our mission has been to build forever families through adoption. Our goal is to create families in the shortest possible time and with the most support for birth mothers and adoptive parent(s). We have the most diverse clientele serving traditional families, whether married or not, same sex, single parents, LGBT, and relative adoptions.We offer all of our birth mothers personal caseworkers to provide emotional support and plan the budget and services you need to improve your future. You are not 'giving up your baby' or 'putting up your baby'. You are making an adoption plan. We are available 24/7 for open or closed adoptions with pre-approved families of your choice.Every journey begins with a single step. Contact us, and we will take care of the rest.