Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1994

About Us

  • Airport Pet Emergency Clinic, located in Blountville, TN, is open all night long every evening to take care of those urgent issues when your pet becomes sick. Your pet is a member of your family and you do not have to wait to provide him/her with the highest quality medical care. Our goal is to provide help for those animals and owners who are struck by something unexpected in the 'off' hours.

    Our emergency services include:

  • Wound treatment
  • Radio-graphs
  • Lab testing
  • Surgery
  • Blood transfusions
  • Eye problems
  • Pain management
  • Oxygen therapy

    APEC operates around the normal veterinary clinic hours to meet your pet's emergency needs. We are fully staffed over night during the week (5:30pm - 8am) and open our doors at 5:30pm on Friday, not to close until Monday morning at 8am. We gladly welcome emergency patients on holidays. APEC always has a veterinarian on site, no waiting for someone 'on-call' to get in. Your hospitalized pet is never left unattended. We sincerely hope you never need us, but if something happens, we are proud to provide medical attention and peace of mind right away.

    Call Airport Pet Emergency Clinic for all your pets' medical emergencies.