About Us

  • AnalytiX DS is engaged in offering services in support of our software solution specializing in the development of ‘agile tools’ for the data integration industry which automate manual processes and enable organizations to accelerate delivery and operate more efficiently while lowering costs of delivery. AnalytiX Mapping Manager allows the data integration professionals to manage enterprise data dictionaries and build source to target mapping specifications using drag and drop techniques to accelerate the mapping process. AnalytiX LiteSpeed Conversion enables FAST and AUTOMATED conversion between one ETL Platform and another. The customizable Code-Automation Framework (CATfx) is a reusable code-generator designed to automate manual coding and tasks for ETL integration and data profiling, Testing Automation and more. The AnalytiX Release Manager from AnalytiX Data Services offers a clean, intuitive 100% web interface to track the release process approvals, audits, and verifications.