About Us

  • Business Name: Angels of Light Gifts Business Website: http://www.angelsoflightgifts.com Keywords: Angels, Angelic, Spiritual, Metaphysical, Gifts and Services. Description: We carry over 4500 items for every possible Religious beliefs, Finances, Relationships and Health. Here is a small sample Angels, books, candles, crystals, oils, statues, and Daniel Kudra(Angelman). Learn to improve your physical health and emotional wellness for yourself and your family and mother earth. Owner Name: Daniel Kudra Full Address: 4545 Main St Kansas City, Mo,64111 Phone: 816-398-9027 Business Email: angelsoflightgifts@gmail.com Year Found: 2016 Number of Employee:2 Operating Hours: 24 hours Social Media Links (GooglePlus, Facebook, Twitter etc..): https://www.facebook.com/Angels-Of-Light-Gifts-1437260589916940/?fref=ts