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Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 2010
  • Family Owned & Operated
  • Owner Performs All Work
  • Experienced Technicians


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About Us

  • SWIMMING POOL WATER LINE CLEANING PROCESS Aqua Pool Tile firsts lowers the water level of your pool and spa by 6-8 inches. There is no need to drain your pool Next we clean your water line with a pressure washer. Attached to the washer is a special nozzle and hose which discharges a mixture of water and a mineral called Kieserite. Kieserite is more commonly known as Epsom Salt. This mineral is PH neutral so there is no need to adjust your water chemicals. The process not only cleans off the calcium and dirt, but also polishes the tile. After the entire perimeter of buildup is cleaned off, we start vacuuming up the mineral with our powerful vacuum. We use our own filters and pumps to clean your pool and spa. Some of the mineral will dissolve in the water causing a slight cloudy appearance. This condition will clear out within 24 hours. Aqua Pool Tile then finish's the job by removing all of our equipment and washing everything down. We always leave your pool area clean and ready to use. The average size pool and spa usually takes about 4-6 hours to clean. It depends on how much buildup is on your tile or pebble tec. Our process also works on natural and artificial rock, fountains, brick, concrete pavers, concrete decking, walks and driveways. We will gladly provide you with an quote on all of your cleaning or repair needs. View our Photo Gallery for the before and after pictures. You will be impressed by the difference.