
  • Regular Hours
    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
  • Special Hours
  • Add'l Hours Info:


  • Call & Speak Directly To An Attorney
  • Home & Hospital Visits
  • Evening & Weekend Appointments

Fee Arrangements

  • No Fees Unless I Win Your Injury Case
  • Free Initial Consultation

Workers Compensation

  • Workers' Compensation

About Us

  • Arizona Injury Law Group PLLC was founded by Weston S. Montrose & Briana E. Chua. Weston and Briana were partners for many years practicing workers’ compensation law at an Arizona law firm before deciding to create their own firm dedicated exclusively to representing injured workers. For over a decade each, Weston and Briana have been fighting for the rights of injured workers and battling with insurance companies that deny their clients the benefits they deserve and need.
    Weston and Briana strive to educate and guide clients in order to ease the complicated and often painful process of navigating the Arizona workers’ compensation laws. They believe it is important for their clients to be a part of the process and know what the next step is in their case. They understand this process is not something you should do blindly or without legal guidance. They know that understanding what is happening and why along with having a strong advocate will help you be less worried and stressed.
    Briana and Weston also understand that your case is completely unique and we will work with your personal goals and interests in mind. They will advocate and represent only you and your interests. They want to help you get what you need.