
  • Regular Hours
    08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
    08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

Experience & Reliability

  • Licensed


    • Phone Quotes
  • Agent for: Financial Services, Estate Planning, Retirement Lifestyle Coaching, Social Security Planning, IRA Legacy Planning, Charitable Giving Strategies, Income Planning, Asset Protection, Retirement Planning, Wealth Management.
  • Independent Insurance Agent
  • Life Insurance
  • Multi Policy Discounts

About Us

  • Jeff Christian CFP, CRPC has thirty years of experience as a financial planner. He has taught on retirement for the University of New Orleans for a number of years and does numerous educational workshops on various aspects of finance each year for different groups in the metropolitan area. Jeff has a detailed understanding of all areas of personal finance including retirement lifestyle, income planning, portfolio structure, risk management as well as estate and income tax planning. He strongly believes that knowledge is power and goes to great lengths to help clients to understand what he recommends and why he recommends it. In 2005, Jeff left a large national firm to found his firm. Armor Financial Group is a firm that has the ability to assist with any financial issue related to financial planning at any walk in life, although the firm does specialize in retirement related issues and strategies. Jeff and his son Preston are focused on working with clients on a multi generational basis and to meeting any financial need relevant to the disciplines of financial planning. Telephone conferences available. They offer the following services: Financial Services, Estate Planning, Retirement Lifestyle Coaching, Social Security Planning, IRA Legacy Planning, Charitable Giving Strategies, Income Planning, Asset Protection, Retirement Planning, Wealth Management.