Additional Information

  • Categories: Clubs & Organizations


  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

About Us

  • The ATM Foundation exists to raise money for major construction projects and to support the exhibits of the Army Transportation Museum. Several million dollars have been spent to construct the Museum Building and various pavilions to better showcase the modes of transportation: Air, Sea, Land, and Rail We need to raise another $30 million for continued improvements and planned expansion. All donations are tax Deductable !! Thank you to all of you who sent in Foundation donations, purchased bricks, supported our Raffle and Golf Tournament in 2018. We at ATMF look forward to seeing you at the museum this year at the "Annual COL Joe Botts Memorial Golf Tournament", our Halloween "Night at the Transportation Museum", or our "General Membership Meeting" later this year. We also encourage you to visit our Museum Gift shop or donate today to support our efforts because, without your support, we cannot do what we need to do in support of the Army's Best Museum !!​ The Army Transportation Museum Foundation (ATMF), helps to sustain the Army Transportation Museum in its efforts to preserve the Transportation Corps heritage and legacy since its inception during World War II This heritage spans the breadth of transportation multi-modal delivery which has given the Nation and our Army the ability to globally deploy, engage and defeat the enemies of the United States in close combat. To do so, the Transportation Corps has grown and evolved in capability since its Rail and Movement Control beginnings. During Vietnam, Army Transportation added helicopter deliveries of man and equipment on the battlefield in support of intratheater operations. Today, Army transportation includes Air, Rail, Container, ship, and truck transport having divested its rotary capability to the Army Aviation Corps to give intertheater clout. With units spread throughout the Active, Guard and Reserve, Army transportation both here and abroad has created a culture within the logistics community who are risk takers on the battlefield as its people depart ports and Forward Operating Bases to sustain and bring capability which embraces its motto as the "Spearhead of Logistics" because "Nothing Happens Until Something Moves". Through your contributions and membership, ATMF provides connectivity between the military and civilian communities to keep a rich and vibrant history alive at Fort Eustis, Virginia.