About Us

  • Atomic Inspection Labs is one of America's premier non-destructive laboratories. From our facility in Albuquerque, NM, we provide in-field inspections and certifications locally, across New Mexico and around the world, as well as in-house testing. Our highly-trained personnel include A.W.S.-QC1 Certified Welding Inspectors and technicians holding A.S.N.T. Level III Certifications in all methods.

    A list of our services and capabilities includes:

  • X-Ray and isotope radiography
  • Ultrasonic inspections
  • Steel fabrication and erection testing
  • Liquid penetrants testing and inspections
  • Magnafluxing
  • A.S.M.E. and A.P.I. code work

    Atomic Inspection Labs also offers welder certification testing, weld procedure testing, welding consulting and specialty welding.

    Our inspectors include certified welding inspectors and technicians who are highly trained and very knowledgeable about inspecting all aspects of any project. These professionals are well-trained and well-equipped to do the job accurately. When you make an appointment, they'll arrive on time and with everything they need to provide a precise inspection and report. We do in-house testing as well.

    We provide inspection services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and are available to serve you whenever and wherever you need us. We primarily work in New Mexico but are available to travel to other areas as well, if needed.

    Call Atomic Inspection Labs today to discuss your testing requirements.