About Us

  • The Bankruptcy Law Centre provides bankruptcy help in the Las Cruces, NM area. Bankruptcy protection from creditors is a legal right that is grounded in the U.S. Constitution. We pride ourselves on having what we believe are the most reasonable fees in town. We have no fee for initial consultations. Services include: No-obligation consultation Overview of debt Filing for bankruptcy Chapter 7 bankruptcy Under the Bankruptcy Code, there are two main types of bankruptcies that help people with consumer debts such as credit card bills, car loans and medical bills, although other types of bankruptcies do exist under the Code. The two main types of bankruptcies for people with consumer debts are found in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 of the Code. Chapter 13 bankruptcies involve a payment plan that takes either three or five years to pay off creditors. By contrast, Chapter 7 bankruptcies, which the Bankruptcy Law Centre provides, allow a person to eliminate debt and to get a fresh start financially much more quickly, usually within about four months, and usually without losing any of their property. Call the Bankruptcy Law Centre today and find out what options you have and to set up a no-obligation initial consultation appointment.