About Us

  • Mission Statement: The Bellevue Public Library will provide resources, services, and programs that serve the diverse informational, educational, and recreational needs and interests of the community. History: The first public library in Bellevue was started in 1929 by the Bellevue Junior Woman's Club (now Aokiya Woman's Club) with a gift of 12 books from the Dundee Woman's Club. The first library was located in a back room of the J.C. Larson residence on E. 20th St. The library moved to the south wing of the Presbyterian Church in 1930. In the same year the Village of Bellevue assumed responsibility for the library. Later that year, the library was moved into the County Courthouse. In 1938, the library was relocated to the stucco building in Washington Park. The red brick building in the park served as the library from May 1961 until September 1975. The present facility at Lincoln and Harvell Roads opened in September 1975. There are nine full-time library employees and fourteen part-time employees. The library is normally open to the public 88 hours a week.