About Us

  • Dr. C. McFarland-Bryant offers the newest gentle, low-force adjusting techniques utilizing high-speed Drop Tables, Activator and Arthrostim as opposed to the manual manipulation of the low technology of the past. She has completed the Physio-Therapy courses offered by National Health Sciences University and the Orthopedic Specialist 4-year Program administered by the Academy of Orthopedic Chiropractic Organization. She has also completed one year of Rehabilitative Specialist Training as well as the Diagnosis, evaluation and management of Addictions and Compulsive disorders. This treatment uses micro current acupuncture, supplements and Chiropractic for the management of smoking cessation, weight management of compulsive eating as well as drug addiction and alcoholism.

    Services Include:
    Palmer Method
    Treatment for auto and whiplash injuries
    -Decompression Therapy
    -Massage Therapy
    -Cold Laser, Herbal & Physicial therapy
    -Natural treatment for food, drug & alcohol addiction
    -Certified CDL/DOT and School Physicials
    Call today to schedule your appointment. We look forward to treating you.