
  • Regular Hours

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  • Family Owned & Operated
  • Insured
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  • Experienced Technicians

Tree Services

  • Clean-Up
  • Commercial Tree Service
  • Expert Tree Care
  • Tree Pruning and Shaping
  • Tree Removal
  • Tree Stump Removal


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About Us

  • Bloomington Tree Care Services is the most affordable residential tree care business in Bloomington MN and the neighboring communities. We provide expertise in all your tree care needs; from planning and planting trees to tree trimming and tree cutting. Have a tree stump that needs grinding? We do that too! Our tree care specialists have the experience and expertise to care for all your tree care needs. Oak trees, perhaps the most common tree in the Twin Cities, live to be 200 years old or more and they never stop growing. Evergreen trees, another popular tree among Bloomington home owners, live to be 100 years old. Once trees reach a certain height, they stop growing taller, but that doesn’t stop them from adding girth. Trees grow broader and wider until they die. This is why tree trimming and tree maintenance are so important. Unless, of course, your oak tree gets hit with Oak Wilt, which is fatal to your tree. Oak Wilt can kill a Red Oak in less than 3 weeks and a White Oak in 1–5 years. Dutch Elm disease is another tree disease that is common in St Paul – Minneapolis as is Emerald Ash Borer, which can kill an ash tree within a year. If you see hints of Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm, Emerald Ash Borer or any tree disease, call Bloomington Tree Care. We’ll assess the problem and offer our expert advice as to whether the tree can be saved or if the tree should be removed. Once the tree is cut down, you’ll likely need to grind the tree stump. This is a job that is best left to tree care professionals. And you may be surprised to learn that it typically costs just as much to grind a tree stump yourself as it does to hire us to do it for you. Here’s a quick guide to tree care in MN: WINTER: Contrary to popular belief, winter is a great time to remove a tree; especially an old, large tree. When the ground is frozen there is less chance of our heavy equipment doing any damage to the ground or lawn. Winter pruning is also beneficial to deciduous trees. Because the leaves have fallen off these trees it’s easier to identify dead wood for removal. SPRING: Spring is the perfect time to shape and prune shrubs and begin a fertilization plan. It’s also the time of year to apply insecticides to control insects that can damage your trees. SUMMER: This is the time of year we see the dreaded symptoms of Dutch elm disease or oak wilt in infected trees. Let’s start treating the trees for these diseases at the first sign of infestation as well as any leaf fungus diseases. This is also the time to prune Evergreens; after new growth is finished. EARLY AUTUMN: Continue treating Dutch elm disease and oak wilt treatments continue until the leaf colors turn. It’s also good to continue to prune trees and shrubs to keep them healthy and beautiful. LATE FALL/EARLY WINTER: Continue to fertilize tree and shrub until the ground freezes. And after the first hard frost, prune your elm trees and oak trees.