
  • Add'l Hours Info: Monday-Sunday: 8:00am - 8:00pm

About Us

  • At BRS Painting - St. Peters, we handle all types of painting projects, from the small 1-3 room house painting jobs to large scale commercial exterior painting projects. Watever your painting needs you can rely on us to provide you 5 star painting services. Here is a list of some of our services: Interior Painting Deck Staining Cabinet Painting Pressure Washing (or Power Washing) Wallpaper Removal Exterior Painting Drywall Repair We employ the same core of painters year round, and this allows us to maintain an extremely high level of expectations from our staff. Most other companies subcontract their work, leaving lots of risk on the table (YOUR table might I add!) Our rates are some of the most affordbale when you compare us to other legitimate painting contractors in the St. Peters, MO area. We also offer free 1 hour color consultations with an interior designer! This will help you select the perfect color combinations for your space and our clients love this added bonus we give to our potential clients. Our estimates are always free and we've yet to get less than a 5 star review online. Check us out at stpeterspainter.com and then give us a call to get a quote!