
  • Regular Hours

Experience & Reliability

  • Years of Experience: 1
  • State of the Art Technology


  • Discounts Available:

Medical Services

  • Diagnostic Imaging

Payment & Insurance

  • Personal Checks
  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • Credit Cards Accepted:

About Us

  • Business Service Solutions (BSS) is small, Veteran owned inbound and outbound call center with experience in virtual training, education, and customer service. BSS offers also multi-channel support through voice, email, and live chat.  *Veteran/Minority/  Women-Owned/  Disadvantaged Small Business The principle mission of Business Services Solution, LLC (BSS) is to bring the benefits of temporary and permanent customer service to support business continuity by supplementing operations through our exceptional customer service call center, contact center, and customer relationship management capabilities. Our values are built on a platform of integrity, respect, professionalism, and excellence. We reach beyond the typical call center answering service to bridge communication between businesses and customers. We do this through exceptional customer service, communication, and collaboration between businesses and customers.