
  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Experience & Reliability

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  • Agent for: Valentine Holmes is a Health and Financial Professional with Carolina Life & Health, domiciled in Greenville, South Carolina. Since entering the health and financial services area in 1999, Val has devoted his life to serving the under 65, semi-retired and retired communities. Valentine Holmes is a performance and results oriented person that is skilled at balancing performance and client satisfaction. He also possesses the ability to LISTEN, as well as the ability to adapt, be creative and resolute when faced with Health and Retirement Planning challenges. He has the ability to work with different pre- retired, retired personnel to deliver desired outcomes and solutions for the rest of their lives. He is also able to work independently and/ or with fellow advisors to build a present and future health and financial plans for anyone. Service Offerings: Affordable Healthcare, Market Place, Self-Funded, Partial Funded, Fully Funded,Non Stock Market Investment Alternatives, Retirement Planning Strategies, Estate Planning, Wealth Preservation Strategies, Social Security Maximization, Retirement Income for Life, Tax Free Wealth Transfers, Life, College Funding, Annuities, Tax Free Retirement Planning, Tax Deferred Retirement Planning, LTC, Wealth Preservation, Business Succession Planning, Wealth Maximization Strategies, Secure Retirement Solutions, Legacy Planning, Social Security, Tax Diversification Concepts. Equity Increasing Strategist, Merging Market Strategist, Wealth Accumulation Property and Reverse Mortgage Specialist. Travel insurance, Travel Medical Insurance, Travel Health Insurance, Medical Travel Insurance, Traveler Health Insurance Schengen Visa Insurance, Travel Accident Insurance, Overseas Travel Insurance, World Travel Insurance, Foreign Travel, Medical Insurance, Disability Income, Income Protection, Cancer Protection, Accident Fixed-Benefit Coverage and Critical Illness Coverage
  • Business Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Immediate Insurance Coverage
  • Independent Insurance Agent
  • Life Insurance
  • Multi Policy Discounts

About Us

  • Valentine Holmes is a Health and Financial Professional with Carolina Life & Health, domiciled in Greenville, South Carolina. Since entering the health and financial services area in 1999, Val has devoted his life to serving the under 65, semi-retired and retired communities. Valentine Holmes is a performance and results oriented person that is skilled at balancing performance and client satisfaction. He also possesses the ability to LISTEN, as well as the ability to adapt, be creative and resolute when faced with Health and Retirement Planning challenges. He has the ability to work with different pre- retired, retired personnel to deliver desired outcomes and solutions for the rest of their lives. He is also able to work independently and/ or with fellow advisors to build a present and future health and financial plans for anyone. Service Offerings: Affordable Healthcare, Market Place, Self-Funded, Partial Funded, Fully Funded,Non Stock Market Investment Alternatives, Retirement Planning Strategies, Estate Planning, Wealth Preservation Strategies, Social Security Maximization, Retirement Income for Life, Tax Free Wealth Transfers, Life, College Funding, Annuities, Tax Free Retirement Planning, Tax Deferred Retirement Planning, LTC, Wealth Preservation, Business Succession Planning, Wealth Maximization Strategies, Secure Retirement Solutions, Legacy Planning, Social Security, Tax Diversification Concepts. Equity Increasing Strategist, Merging Market Strategist, Wealth Accumulation Property and Reverse Mortgage Specialist. Travel insurance, Travel Medical Insurance, Travel Health Insurance, Medical Travel Insurance, Traveler Health Insurance Schengen Visa Insurance, Travel Accident Insurance, Overseas Travel Insurance, World Travel Insurance, Foreign Travel, Medical Insurance, Disability Income, Income Protection, Cancer Protection, Accident Fixed-Benefit Coverage and Critical Illness Coverage