About Us

  • Welcome to web site for The Carpenters Shop Church. CSC is led by Pastor Wallace Phillips and his wife Joy.

    The Y-Zone is here!
    Y-Zone is the name of our new youth center located at 417 Peacock St. in Ahoskie. We have pool, foosball, air hockey, pinball, cycle, car games, NBA Jam, baseball, Ms Pac Man, Galliga, Donkey Kong...and more, all in a Christian atmosphere.
    The Y-Zone is here.
    Don't miss out.

    Early Worship -------------8:30am
    Worship Celebration ----10:30am Crapenter's Kidz (3-6)-------9:00am and 11:00am
    Wee R His (Nursery) available for children through 2years

    Bible Study-----------------7:00pm
    Youth at the Y-Zone------7:00pm
    Kidzone at CSC----------7:00pm

    Raize Da Praize-------6:00pm