About Us

  • At Medical Skin Care

    We offer the latest in skin care treatments, state of the art technology in a modern and private facility, a professional staff, all operating under the direct supervision of Dr. Scott Bennion.

    We offer a full line of medically-based products exclusive to dermatologists from Alyria, Glytone, Thymes, Solar protection sunblocks, Skin Medica, Biomedic, Prevage MD, and La Roche-Posay.

    From hydrafacials to glycolic gel peels, hair removal to advanced laser treatments, and a variety of skin fillers from Radiesse, Juvederm, Botox, Restylane, and Collagen. At Medical Skin Care,we are your total skin care professionals.

    Skin Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States.

    Rate your skin cancer risk Broad Brimmed hats are better than baseball caps, which give your face only partial protection and don't protect your ears or neck at all.

    Do you have fair or freckled skin that burns easily?
    Do you have light-colored eyes or red or blond hair?
    Have you had a lot of sun exposure or a history of blistering sunburns?
    Do you have a family history of melanoma?
    Do you have many large, irregularly shaped moles?
    Fair Skinned people are more prone to skin cancer because they produce less melanin, a pigment in the skin that filters out UV light.