
  • Regular Hours
  • Add'l Hours Info: Monday–6:30 am - 12:45 pm Tuesday–1:30 pm - 5:45 pm Wednesday–6:30 am - 12:45 pm Thursday–1:30 pm - 5:45 pm

About Us

  • Dr. Barney’s journey to his chiropractic profession started 25+ years ago while he was studying to become a dentist. He suffered a knee injury while playing sports and was told that knee replacement was his only option. He believed there had to be a more conservative, less invasive approach, and set out to find an alternative. He found it. He worked with a sports medicine chiropractor followed by physical therapy. That was a defining moment for Dr. Barney. He found recovery and rehabilitation for his knee without surgery, and he found a new career path. Dr. Barney’s passion, vast nutritional knowledge, healing approach to wellness, and thorough, higher level of care can change your life’s story too. Just ask his many happy, healthy patients. And yes, 25 years later, Dr. Barney’s knee remains in top shape. He continues to push the limits with athletics and sports – even water skiing on his feet!