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  • Beginner: The notes of the piano reading music proper posture at the piano keeping the arms loose. Intermediate: Scales Major scales, all 12 keysMinor scales, harmonic and melodic, all 12 keys Arpeggios Minor and major, all 12 keys Legato Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata "Dynamics Beethoven's "Fur Elise" Counterpoint: Clarity and Control for the Left Hand Bach's 2 and 3-part Inventions Advanced Repertoire Baroque: Bach Classical: Mozart, Handel, Pachelbell, Beethoven, Telaman, Mendelssohn, Strauss Romantic: Schubert, Brahms, Schuman, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Lizst French: Ravel, Debussy 20th Century: Bartok, Schonberg, Barber, Gershwin, Wagner