Experience & Reliability

  • Graduate of Pitzer College


  • Children & Adults
  • Individual Instruction
  • Personalized Learning Programs
  • Reading
  • Small Classes
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing

About Us

  • Crystal Lantern Pathways (CLP) Educational Services is a subsidiary of California Education, LLC. We realize the present result laden directives of our culture focused primarily on productivity and an end result of a known quantity. Individuals reflect the values they are taught and the feelings and actions directed toward them. We are a part of educational services, legislation, educators, parents, and students who work hard to keep the needs of students central. There is a burdensome requirement in public school education for testing, scores, and standardization. This promotes the belief that all students, regardless of the learning style or life path, must adhere to a status quo in the form of percentiles which only ensure district funding. Jeopardized is the children’s social and emotional well-being as well as the opportunity to receive a relevant education. Foundations like these contribute to the feeling of unpreparedness many adults feel while navigating life's challenges and changes. CLP envisions a world where conscious thinking directs all actions, and values and appreciates individuals' talents, interests, uniqueness, and inner growth. Using a holistic educational belief as a basis, we understand individuals to gain a sense of purpose and identity through a connection to community, and nature, and through humanitarian qualities such as peace and compassion. We emphasize community learning, growing, and sharing through relevant content and practices, and encourage curiosity and questioning to cultivate inner resources that draw upon more creative non main-stream perspectives to broaden positivity in the world.