About Us

  • Community Health Professionals offers a complete range of home health, hospice and related services, developed to meet the individual needs of each person. We offer the following core services:

  • Visiting Nurses-skilled home health care provided by highly qualified registered nurses, therapists and social workers. Working with doctors, hospital staff and family members, we provide a total care plan to meet specific needs. Our staff includes experienced nurses, therapists, social workers, hospice specialists and home health aides.

  • In-Home Hospice offers comfort, support and compassionate care when cure is not possible. Hospice provides pain and symptom control, dignity, and spiritual and emotional care to the dying and their families.

  • Inpatient Hospice Center provides compassionate care when a life-limiting illness is no longer manageable at home or an able caregiver is not available. A free-standing, residential facility dedicated exclusively to end-of-life care.

  • Private Duty Services provides assistance in the home with daily living activities, personal care needs, household chores, companionship, PLUS the availability of nursing and therapy services

  • Adult Day Care Centers provide daily care, activities and socialization for aging and disabled individuals and respite for family caregivers

    Nonprofit Organization