Additional Information

  • Categories: Auto Repair & Service, Tire Dealers, Motorcycle Repair, Truck Repair & Service
  • Services: Auto Repair, Oil Change, Towing, Tires, Auto Exhaust Systems, Brakes, Auto Shocks & Struts, Auto Alignment, Auto Tune-Up, Transmissions, Auto Electrical System, Auto Engine Repair, Auto Drivetrain Repair, Auto High Performance Service, Auto Restoration Service, Emergency Auto Repair, Auto Parts, Auto Inspection, Auto Belts & Hoses, Auto Interior Repair, Auto Fuel System, Auto Cooling System, Auto Air Conditioning/Heating, Mobile Mechanic, Motorcycle/ATV Repair, Truck Repair
  • Associations: ASE


  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
    10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

About Us

  • Founded in 1999 C.I.P. has evolved into a full service automotive salon. Our work ranges from Detailing to Paint-less Dent Removal, from Turbo, Supercharger and Nitrous Systems upgrades to General Repairs and Tune Ups. From Auto Body and Paint work to Remote Starters and Audio / VideoWindow Tint to Tires, we do it all! We cover just about every facet of the automotive industry weve even worked on a few bikes, boats and believe it or not a couple planes along the way too. Here at C.I.P. we no longer pride ourselves with being the cheapest guy on the block We take pride in all we do making us the best around at what we do while still offering fair and competitive pricing. After all, it is true what they say You really do get what you pay for! With over a decade in the business we have a very large and ever growing local customer base that frequent our facilities for everything from regular oil changes and routine maintenance to larger tasks such as motor and transmission swaps as well as engine rebuilding. We also draw in cliental from hundreds of miles away for our renowned custom paint and bodywork as well as major restorations and large custom performance packages such as custom Turbo builds. We specialize in thinking outside of the box. Basically when someone says it cant be done, thats where we come in. We are frequently seen doing Lamborghini, Gull Wing and Suicide style doors, Custom Fabricated Metal Work, Roll Cages, Custom Bent Exhaust Systems and Headers.and much, much more all on site. Our portfolio goes on and on with one accomplishment after another. But, we also never forget the little guy who stops in for a State Inspection or Wheel Alignment. as a guest of C.I.P. you can always count on being treated equally no matter how large or small your needs may be. You can even expect to have your vehicle washed and receive a complimentary C.I.P. Air Freshener before leaving the shop (Weather and time permitting). Yet another thing to r