About Us

  • D & J House Doctors LLC is locally owned and operated and are committed to prescribing you with a better understanding and will rid your home of Infestation.

    Protecting your family from beginning to end.

    Our services include:

    Pest Management Treatments
    Real Estate Inspections (Gas, Septic, Well/Water, Termite)
    Winterizations & Trash outs
    Complete Home Inspections
    Termites, Carpenter Ants & Carpenter Bees (Wood Destroying Insects)

    Carpenter Ants:
    Carpenter Ants get their name because they excavate wood in order to build their nest. Even though these ants first invade wet, decayed wood, they may soon begin building paths through dry, undamaged wood. If they gain entry to a structure, they pose a property threat.

    Carpenter Bees
    Carpenter bees look like typical bumblebees but often lack yellow stripes. Unlike bumble bees, carpenter bees are solitary insects. Carpenter bees prefer bare wood however, they will sometimes attack stained or painted wood. They do not pose a public health threat, but they can damage wood through their nest building.

    Subterranean Termites
    Subterranean Termites live in underground colonies or in moist secluded areas above ground that contain up to 2 million members. They build distinctive mud tubes to gain access to food sources and to protect themselves from open air. Termite colonies are organized into castes depending on tasks-workers, soldiers and reproductive. In the spring groups of reproductive termites swarm and go off to start new colonies. Subterranean Termites are by far the most destructive species. They can collapse a building entirely, meaning possible financial ruin for a homeowner. The hard, saw-toothed jaws of termites work like shears and are able to bite off extremely small fragments of wood, one piece at a time. Although Subterranean Termites could number in the millions, you might never see them or any evidence of them-until you discover that they've done serious damage to your home. Only a licensed Pest Management Professional can perform a thorough termite inspection.

    Wildlife Removal
    Certifications ( Basement, Electric, Plumbing, Roofing, Structural, Crawl)