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  • 217-525-4264 DAVE'S TREE SERVICE Time Honored High Standards Since 1975...B.S. Forestry (U of Mich.) - Jobs Booked in Advance - Trees and Limbs Removed by Insured, Skilled Climber (me) - Excellent Clean-Up. I love old trees. Need dead branches cleaned out? Live branches thinned - to let sunlight into tree? or pruning small trees? Need topping? or problem branches removed? CALL MY WOODYARD...(217) 525-4264...my answering machine will take your message...Yes, I have firewood too. Tell about your trees. Tell me which kind if you know... Where are these trees on your property? and what might you want me to do... Leave me your name, address, and one or two phone numbers. Perhaps a suggestion about a better time to call. I am a little hard to reach because I don't carry a phone, so I have to reach you, and sometimes I call from a different number. (217) 525-4264 WOOD YARD FIREWOOD UPDATE Feb 27,2016. Sold out of seasoned hardwood. Have a little old mixed wood, very well seasoned. Plenty of mixed wood cut a year ago, split recently. Burns well.