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  • Categories: Nurseries - Plants & Trees, Parks & Recreation, Florists, Home & Garden Supplies

About Us

  • Welcome! Presenting Daylily World's new and dazzling, Kentucky born-and-bred 2014 daylily introductions. Now we offer nearly 500 tried-and-true modern daylilies of every size, shape, pattern and color imaginable. We have been offering award winning daylilies for nearly 45 years.

    Daylily World plants are field grown, sturdy, double divisions or more whenever possible. Visit our Kentucky display gardens and see 600 different named daylilies and thousands of new ones under evaluation.

    The magic of hemerocallis (the botanical name for daylilies) is a very strong magic! Daylilies are indeed the perennial supreme. Each year the amazing hemerocallis (daylilies) delight ever more thousands of daylily aficionados around the globe.

    Plant Societies as well as service organizations are encouraged to contact us. We assist with hundreds of club orders and know just how to tailor your order to your needs. Please feel free to call or Email us with questions and we will tweak your order to your total satisfaction.