About Us

  • The best way to get the best medical attention for healthy and ill children is with a Pediatrician. No one else has the extensive training in both normal and abnormal conditions. Every visit to a Pediatrician should be a learning experience to help make you a better parent.

    In brief, you should know the following about The Children's Health Place. We moved into our new building in August of 2008. The building was remodeled with "green" construction. Low VOC and non toxic paint and tile adhesives; Special lighting that reduces energy consumption by 30% and produces more natural light without the buzz that older fluorescents make. Bright, cheerful colors and our salt water aquarium make this a pleasing experience for the children.

    Dr. Dubynsky has been in private practice since 1978. He has pretty much seen it all. Having raised his own two boys, and listened to parents for so many years, adding in the "book learnin'" for so long, you know you can count on getting the kind of specific advice you need to deal with your children. Cyndi Desormeaux has been with this practice for nearly 10 years and also has great skill and advice to share. Most of my staff has been with me more than 10 years. They are well trained, experienced and can help you in many ways.

    To find out more about our practice and us visit our website.