Additional Information

  • Categories: Psychologists


  • Regular Hours
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Add'l Hours Info: Call for an appointment.

About Us

  • Clinical child and adolescent psychology. A psychologist must have a doctorate degree in psychology. Behavioral health issues of children and teens are treated through therapy by this psychologist. Types of therapy provided by this psychologist include individual therapy/counseling, play therapy, parent consultation, parent/child interaction, and family therapy. Behavioral issues of children and teens addressed in treatment include: oppositional defiant behavior, mood swings, anger management, problems with authority, school behavior problems, ADHD, OCD, separation anxiety, general anxiety, specific fears/phobias, cutting and other self-harm behaviors, suicidal thoughts/threats, social behavior problems, delinquent teens, child/teen sexual abuse victims, child/teen physical abuse victims, children/teens going through family trauma such as death or divorce, depression, tantrums, physical aggression in children and teens, discipline issues, sexual acting out behaviors, school failure, Asperger's, bizarre behaviors in children and teens, children and teens who seem out of touch with reality, toileting issues, eating issues, refusal to mind parents/teachers, conduct disorders, children who are adjusting to major life changes, and others. Payments accepted are: SoonerCare (no referral needed), Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Health Choice, private pay by check or cash. Search faithlphillipsphd for more details on payments by other insurance. Located in Bear State Bank building in Broken Bow, OK. Appointments must be made in advance by calling the contact number. Appointments are held at the office during office hours. Dr. Phillips does not provide therapy in any public place nor in the child/teen's home. Dr. Phillips can consult with your child's physician regarding medication. Dr. Phillips is a clinical child psychologist and as such she does not prescribe medication. Please feel free to call the contact number for additional information, your call will be returned.