About Us

  • Our specialties are athletic injuries, disc decompression, physiotherapy, applied kinesiology, Jin Shin Jyutsu, pet chiropractic, work and auto injuries, network, massage, and physical therapy. We suit the adjustment and the treatment to the individual. We can adjust by hand [manually], by Arthrostim and/or Activator. We can adjust newborns and adults with fragile osteoporosis safely and comfortably. Or we can adjust the muscular athlete effectively and comfortably. Dr. Ron is a certified chiropractic sports physician and works with the local school athletes on up. Dr. Chris is a certified Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and self help instructor. She also does most of the animal adjusting. A vet's prescription is needed before the animal can be seen. Our Acutrac 3000 is a disc compression machine that decompresses the herniated discs to promote healing, decrease pain, muscle spasms, inflammation and nerve irritation. It works very well for cervical [neck] and lumbar [low back] herniated discs, nerve compression, radicular pain and more.