About Us

  • ABOUT THE FIGURE 8 I use wood therapy coupled with ultrasound cavitation and vacuum therapy cupping to assist in breaking down the stubborn fat and moving it to the lymphatic drain. Your body then releases those fats that we have broken down naturally. I also specialize with reflexology for those who may suffer from neuropathy or perhaps you work on your feet all day. I have a beautiful studio spa for you to relax and take a load off those feet. Another service that I offer is acupressure facial rejuvenation massage. Sometimes we carry stress in our face and our temples it can appear as pressure or fine lines. I offer relaxing facials that will relieve the stress as well as tighten the skin using ultrasound radio frequency. It's also the latest craze and proven beneficial for the decollete and delicate skin on your face and shrinks your jowls, double chin. I look forward to the opportunity to help you achieve the body contour you're looking for.