Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1969

About Us

  • Worship opportunities: Sunday: 9am and 11am; Sunday School 10am, Wednesday: 6:50pm, a Contemporary Worship

    Bible Studies: Men's Bible study & Women's Bible study meet on Tuesday evenings.

    Fellowship Groups:

  • Adult Sunday School - Sundays 10-10:50am. Adult classes offer the opportunity to make friends and learn more about one's faith.

  • The Caleb Factor (Gary/Winfield group for men)

  • The Cinema Club meets in the Commons the 2nd Sunday of every month, at 6:15pm, to decide what movie to watch together that evening. Refreshments and discussion follow at Gary.

  • The Gary Gardeners enjoy planting and care of Gary's outside greenery.

  • The Gary Quilters meet Thursday, at 10am, in the Wesley Center to sew hand-made quilts for the Heifer International Quilt Auction.

  • The Gary Walkers meet in the west parking lot every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:45am, walking through various local areas after dividing into groups depending on pace limits. Some continue conversation following the walk in the Commons and are joined by friends for coffee.

  • Ladies Night Out is an opportunity to enjoy conversation and fellowship with friends and meets the 2nd Thursday, every other month, at 7pm.

  • The Lunchtime Literary Society meets for discussions of selected current literary works, at 12pm, on the last Tuesday of the month. Bring a lunch if you wish and meet in Commons D.

  • Monthly Senior Lunch Group meets to share a meal among friends at a local restaurant.

  • The Tea Ladies meet monthly for smiles and willingness to visit with new friends.

  • United Methodist Women (Gary/Winfield group for women)