About Us

  • HJ Trophies & Awards, Inc. is a family owned business serving customers throughout Phoenix, AZ. and surrounding areas. We are a full-service awards trophy company with a special focus on corporate awards.

    Whether you need a unique award for a retiring employee or something to recognize your entire team, we can help you find just the right plaque, medal or trophy. Our artistic and creative staff and uses the latest technology to create and personalize each award just the way you request it.

    Our products & services include:

  • Trophies & plaques
  • Crystal & glass
  • Medals
  • Clocks
  • Ribbons
  • Engraving
  • Name badges

    We bring over 100 years of combined experience. Our staff specialists can help you with all your questions.

    Award yourself with quality from HJ Trophies & Awards. Call today and let us help you find the right gift or award.