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  • Categories: Weight Loss & Nutrition

About Us

  • At Healing Butterfly, from the start our goal has been to offer a line of just add water elixirs that taste amazing but also have nutritionally supportive ingredients for the body. We worked hard to make sure our elixirs were healthy, nutrient dense and delicious – THE IDEAL BEVERAGE to drink every day. To achieve this, we brought a tea sommelier onto our staff and began creating exciting and functional flavored elixirs, combining some of the worlds’ best super-foods. Healing Butterfly’s first line of products are seven flavored Matcha Green Tea Powders. We started by partnering with an organic family farm in Japan. This farm abides by the strictest organic requirements, producing our Premium Grade Matcha. Once our matcha is shipped to our manufacturing facility in the United states, we blend it with organic and natural ingredients to produce the following flavored blends Vanilla, Chocolate, Earl Grey, Mint, Ginger, and Pumpkin Spice. In addition to just our stand-alone Premium Matcha, this gives us the seven flavors