Additional Information

  • Year Established: 1949

About Us

  • The New Highland School facility includes well equipped attractive classrooms, library, science laboratory, art studio and full gymnasium. The heart and soul of the school, though, is more than the bricks and mortar. Differences between schools are rooted in the philosophy of education and the relationship between those who teach and those who come to learn. There is a choice between the public school system, with a few good schools but many political and budgetary problems, and a carefully chosen private school that has proven its ability to excite, motivate, and challenge students to achieve their fullest potential. The Highland tradition of private education is dynamic, sensitive to the needs of the individual student, and realistic enough to prepare for the educational career challenges that lie ahead. We are very proud of the programs offered at Highland. We strive to maintain a highly academic course of study, while providing a nurturing, well rounded atmosphere. It is our goal to present the subject matter in an accelerated, enriching environment to suitably promote our students to their next level of education.