About Us

  • "The purpose of the Historical Society of Idaho Springs shall be, through both public and private means, to initiate, promote and nurture a historic preservation ethic in Idaho Springs and the surrounding area. This includes, but is not limited to the direct conservation of historic assets, heritage education through the operation of museums, outreach programs, events and publishing. Our efforts will serve to demonstrate the Societys longstanding commitment and foster civic involvement, which will lead to a positive cultural and economic influence in the greater Idaho Springs community.Our Visitor Center is second to none and an invaluable tool for you to use in exploring our unique town. Stroll through our Center and step into the past. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to assist you with your planning and visit to historic Idaho Springs.The Heritage Visitor Center features a fun and informative museum Admission is Free full of unique exhibits of our mining history, early life, and the important role it played in establishing not only Idaho Springs, but the state of Colorado itself. Easy access from I-70, take Exit 241 and head west or take Exit 240 and head East on Colorado Blvd. The Visitor center is located in the middle of town at 2060 Miner St. across from the creek side park, next to the tennis courts. Be sure to check out the Idaho Springs Historical Visitor Center website www.visitidahospringscolorado.com as well.