Additional Information

  • Building Supplies, Insulation Contractors, General Contractors, Siding Contractors
  • Phone Quotes
  • Stanley, Andersen, Bostich, Fiberwall, Caradco, Pittsburgh, Owens Corning, Unilock, Thoro, Black & Decker


  • Regular Hours
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    06:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    06:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    06:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    06:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    06:00 AM - 04:30 PM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

About Us

  • Henry Products, Inc. (HPI) is a leading manufacturer/distributor of construction products for interior and exterior wall systems in Arizona. Based in Phoenix since 1986, HPI operates material supply yards in the greater metropolitan area (three locations) and Tucson. The headquarters location is also the site of HPI's expanded polystyrene (EPS) production facility.The HPI product line covers the major components of interior and exterior wall systems for both commercial and residential construction, including:Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) - HPI is the official distributor of Parex products for Arizona. The company manufactures EPS insulation board and computer cut EPS shapes for this system as well as for alternates (Dryvit, Sto, Pleko, Synergy etc.) and distributes Windlock fasteners and Demand Products tools.One Coat Stucco Systems - HPI distributes a variety of one coat stuccos (Ultracoat, Sankote, Western, Magnawall, etc.) as well as complementary products (cement, lime, etc.). The company manufactures Plastafoam, the tongue and groove EPS insulation board used as a substrate in these systems and distributes a wide variety of paper and metal lathing materials from the leading manufacturers (Davis Walker, K-Lath, USA, Fortifiber, Stockton, Western Metals, etc.). HPI's custom computer cut EPS shapes are also used for these systems.Interior/Exterior Drywall and Metal Studs - The company operates residential and commercial drywall stocking crews in the Arizona market for exterior and interior board (BPB America, US Gypsum, Gold Bond, etc.) and is a distributor of both structural and non-structural metal studs and architectural metals (Dietrich, Fry Reglet, Pittcon, etc.).Insulation Systems - HPI manufactures expanded polystyrene insulation boards for a variety of interior and exterior applications (Styro Stud, FurrOut Foam, etc.)Manufacturer of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam plastic products for residential/commercial construction & industrial packagingDistributor of Parex Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems (EIFS)4 Convenient Distribution Locations in Arizona:Phoenix, Gilbert, Deer Valley, Tucson

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