
  • Regular Hours

Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 2013
  • Years of Experience: 25


  • Karate


  • Discounts Available:
  • Your first class is always free 10% off when you pay in advance for three months of classes

About Us

  • This is the New England dojo for Japan Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai (JKR), a martial arts organization with schools in 35 countries around the world. Teaching out of the Midtown Family Fitness & Raquetball Club, Sensei Paul Belle Isle conducts classes in Shindo Jinen Ryu, one of the original Japanese styles of karate, and one of the very first to be recognized officially. Unlike a lot of schools, JKR New England does not "guarantee a black belt" in any set length of time. What IS guaranteed is rigorous, consistent, fair standards, regular testing, and that not only will students be pushed to achieve things they might not have thought they could do, but that whatever rank they hold, they will have earned it. After all, the color of one's belt should be a true reflection of one's ability, and if getting a black belt was easy, everyone would do it! (At this time, no children's classes are offered. Must be 18 or older.)