Additional Information

  • Year Established: 2003
  • Categories: Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Addiction Treatment, Therapists & Counselors
  • Products: Outpatient drug and alcohol therapy, Detox, Rehab, Harm Reduction, Counseling, Addiction Treatment, Controlled Drinking Approaches, Moderation management techniques, Abstinence based approaches, Psychiatry, Suboxone Treatment, Vivitrol Treatment, Individual Therapy, Psychotherapy
  • Services: Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Therapy, Detox, Rehab, Harm Reduction, Counseling, Therapy, Addiction Treatment, Controlled Drinking Techniques, Moderation Managment Techniques, Abstinence Based Approaches, Psychiatry, Suboxone Treatment, Vivitrol Treatment, Individual Therapy, Psychotherapy
  • Payment Options: American Express, Android Pay, Apple Pay, Cash, Check, Diners Club, Discover, Financing, MasterCard, PayPal, Traveler's Check, Visa


  • Regular Hours
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

About Us

  • Jeremy Frank PhD CADC is a clinical psychologist and certified alcohol and drug counselor who is also clean and sober from drug and alcohol addiction for over 26 years. He directs and manages Jeremy Frank Associates which is a team of like-minded experienced drug and alcohol professionals who treat all stages and types of addiction and the associated mental health challenges that typically accompany addiction and recovery. Jeremy Frank Associates offers counseling for depression, anxiety, stress and relationships. This practice is a high end, out of network, individualized treatment complex with an unusually personal and "at home" atmosphere. Dr. Frank and his staff offer both abstinence-based treatment for individuals ready to be completely clean and sober and also moderation and harm reduction approaches for patients who want to determine whether they can drink socially, in a controlled way or recreationally. We are addiction treatment consultants and can help clients with all stages of addiction from intervention and detox, to inpatient, intensive outpatient, recovery and wellness. Addiction treatment is not about just saying, "No." It's all about what we add in our lives and it's about what we say "Yes" to!