About Us

  • Dr. Kindred and his staff welcome new patients as well as their repeat patients for most obstetrics, gynecology or infertility concerns in Peoria, IL. They have many years of experience with all types of pregnancies and other women's health issues. Our goal is to keep you healthy at every stage of life.

    If you are pregnant, some of our services include:

  • In-office sonograms
  • Amniocentesis
  • Prenatal care
  • Midwifery services
  • Vaginal births
  • Cesarean sections
  • High risk pregnancies

    If you need other health care, we can help you with:

  • Yearly check-ups
  • Birth control
  • Essure permanent birth control
  • HPV vaccinations
  • PMS and menopause

    Dr. K is a lifelong resident of Morton. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois and Michigan State. In his spare time, he and his family like to camp and are active in their church.

    Diane is also from Central Illinois. She graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a special focus on menopause and the Creighton Fertility Care system.

    Call David Kindred OB/GYN to schedule an appointment today!