About Us

  • A refrigerator is one of the few appliances in your home or business that runs continuously, day or night, keeping your food cold. If you consider how hard a refrigerator has to work, it is actually quite amazing that they break down so infrequently. On the rare occasion your refrigerator or freezer does stop working, that is when you call PM Kohr Refrigeration. We have been in business over 50 years and are experienced in commercial repair of freezers and refrigeration. P M Kohrs Refrigeration is proud to offer complete commercial refrigerator repair in Ocean and Atlantic Counties. When you have a business that needs refrigerator for inventory, food or products, you need that refrigerator to work well and to work all the time. But if your commercial refrigerator isn't?t keeping your products cold then you could have a real problem on your hands. If you need commercial refrigerator repair in Southern Ocean County, Ocean County, Atlantic County or the surrounding areas. We provide 24/7 emergency repairs for all different types and brands of commercial refrigerators. Our technicians are highly trained and have years of experience working with many different kinds of businesses. Call today to talk with one of our friendly technicians.