Additional Information

  • Categories: Carpet Cleaning & Repair


  • Regular Hours
    07:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 07:00 PM
    07:00 AM - 07:00 PM
  • Add'l Hours Info: any time any day at your convenience.

About Us

  • L & M

    Carpet Cleaning

    Let me introduce L&M Carpet Cleaning – your best choice for a cleaner carpet

    Carpeting is a great floor covering. It helps make our houses cozy, comfortable and quiet. But, did you know that carpeting can also be among the dirtiest places in your house? Carpets act as a magnet for contaminates including dust mites, pet dander, salt, road grime, dirt, and much more!

    What’s more, a dirty carpet wears out faster. Contaminants can be abrasive and wear down your carpet and permanently damage the fibers. That’s important because your carpets are one of the biggest investments you make in your home.

    Luckily, a professional cleaning twice a year can keep your carpets germ free and extends their life. What’s more, with L&M Carpet Cleaning of Carlisle, it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money either.

    At L&M Carpet Cleaning, we use only biodegradable cleaning solution and out steam-cleaning system kills 99 percent of all germs. And, we can even Scotchguard your carpets to keep them great looking even longer.

    Of course, you could lug in one of those heavy units from the grocery store. But, our truck-mounted system cleans deeper than any portable machine. What’s more, we extract the cleaning solutions more completely and dry your carpets quickly so you can get back to your normal activities.

    And – since we’re 20 percent less expensive than the national franchise operations – you won’t have to think twice about getting your carpets cleaned professionally. Our service is guaranteed and we’re happy to serve homes and businesses from Mechanicsburg to Shippensburg.

    Remember, once you start to see dirt, your carpet is already being damaged by dirt. So take the extra step and get your carpet cleaned today. Just call L&M Carpet Cleaning and we’ll take it from there.

    Some Happy Clients
    Carlisle Christian Fellowship – Bosler Library
    Viper Insurance & Financial Services
    State Farm Insurance – Century 21 - NHS Autism School