About Us

  • L.O.S.T. started as a campus ministry and is currently a ministry that focuses on holistic training and development of today's young adults and youth. Mission With the heart set on seeing the generation equip to live lives fit for the Kingdom of God, L.O.S.T.’s mission is to train, equip and release leaders who will go into the earth and fulfill the mandate that God has placed upon their lives. Through the full function of the Five-Fold Ministry, as defined by Ephesians 4:11, it is L.O.S.T.’s objective to lead the body of Christ in a walk toward Holy perfection. By doing so this will create a force of Kingdom Believers that will dethrone the “prince of this world”, and proclaim Christ as Lord. Matthew 28:19 states, “Go ye therefore and make disciples…”with this foundation it is L.O.S.T.’s mission to disciple a people with the mind of the King, but with the heart of a servant—serving the Father and Living Only to See the Throne. Values 1. To walk as living epistles 2. To win the lost at whatever cost 3. To love in order to bring unity within the faith