
  • Regular Hours
    08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Experience & Reliability

  • In Business Since: 1992
  • References Available
  • Years of Experience: 40
  • Insured
  • Licensed
  • Employee Background Checks
  • Employee Drug Testing
  • Bonded


  • Complete Catering Services
  • Cooked Meals
  • Cooking Classes
  • Corporate Events to Home Parties
  • Custom Meals
  • Customized Menus
  • Dinner Parties
  • Elegant to Casual Catering
  • Fresh Ingredients
  • Large or Small Occasions
  • Low Calorie Meals
  • Low Cholesterol Meals
  • Low Sodium Meals
  • Organic Cooking
  • Outside Events
  • Personalized Diet Plans
  • Personalized Grocery Shopping
  • Personalized Service Plans

About Us

  • Luis Lagos grew up in Mexico City and comes from a long history of cooking where hand written recipes had been passed on through generations for dishes that can take 4 days to prepare in traditional fashion. His memories are of spending hours in the kitchen with his mother, grandmother and aunts and of their dining room table set for 50 people. Every Saturday each relative's family would bring the same dish to the family cook-off, preparing their version of the traditional recipe all competing for the best flavor and style in their dish. While working as a furniture designer in Mexico City Luis realized cooking was his passion and moved to Oaxaca where he began to cook for friends, turning his home into a restaurant. Every day he would go to the market and buy fresh fish and local vegetables and fruits to prepare a meal for whoever would show up. Sometimes his customers would sit for hours engaged in conversation and sipping wine while their meal was prepared for them in the traditional fashion. One day he was invited to cook with the best French chef that was living in Mexico City. He sold his business and apprenticed for a year with a number of well known chefs from France, Spain, New York and Mexico. He was next invited to cook at Haramara Retreat, and learned how to cook healthy meals, taking several courses training him in the style that he cooks now. Cooking and working in a kitchen is not just about perfection, for him it's about the input and opinions of everyone and respect for all those involved. He believes in giving as much love and good energy to the preparation of his meals as he can and believes he can learn from everyone. Luis loves to cook for people who are aware of their health and are interested in what they are eating. You can be sure to find delicious ingredients on the menu when Luis is in the kitchen and you can be guaranteed your meal was made with thoughtful attention and love. Enjoy!