
  • Regular Hours
    09:30 AM - 11:30 PM
    Performance Schedule
    05:00 PM - 11:30 PM
    Performance Schedule
    07:00 PM - 11:30 PM
    Performance Schedule
    05:00 PM - 11:30 PM
    Performance Schedule
    07:00 PM - 11:30 PM
    Performance Schedule
    01:00 PM - 11:30 PM
    Performance Schedule
    09:00 AM - 11:30 PM
    Performance Schedule
  • Add'l Hours Info: We perform with a variety of group sizes depending on our customers budget. We do private venues, corporate venues and public concert performances.

Experience & Reliability

  • Family Owned & Operated
  • In Business Since: 2004
  • Insured
  • References Available
  • Years of Experience: 50


  • Bands, DJ's, Singers


  • Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
  • Credit Cards Accepted:

About Us

  • THE MANNY CEPEDA ORCHESTRA was formed in April 2004. Its main purpose was to bring Manny Cepeda’s Original Salsa and Merengüe selections as well as current Classic Salsa/Merengüe and Cuban music style to Mexican as well as American audiences throughout the greater San Diego area, the different surrounding towns as well as Los Angeles and its suburbs. The concept of the music from the Caribbean, Salsa, Merengüe, and Cuban music creates a flavor of Latin music unique to this musical group. Cepeda has more than 50 years of professional music experience. Ever since he led a 14-piece salsa band at the age of seven, Cepeda has mastered the complex rhythms of the Caribbean. His expertise expanded further with a 31-year career in the Navy where he lead the famous Navy Steel Band and traveled the world with the U.S. Navy Show Band. The group functions as a mix of live performance and the highest technological aide of Sample Sequenced Music to create a total entertainment performance certain to satisfy all Latin styles of music. You've got to hear these four individuals make the best music in San Diego. The core of the group is made of Manny Cepeda, vocalist, composer and leader, Aiko Shimoi, lead vocalist and Henry Jimenez, vocalist and percussionist. When a larger venue is required, there are able to increase their group by adding a two or three horn section and 1 more vocalist. The result is an amazing blend of technology and live performance unequaled in the entire West Coast.