Car Accidents

  • Auto Accident

Criminal Law

  • Assault / Battery
  • Criminal Defense
  • Domestic Violence
  • Drug Crime
  • Expungement
  • Federal Criminal Law
  • Fraud / Forgery
  • Guns & Weapons Charge
  • Homicide / Murder
  • Misdemeanor Probation Violations
  • Misdemeanor Warrant
  • Robbery / Theft
  • White Collar Crime


  • DUI / DWI

Traffic Violations

  • General Traffic Issue
  • Traffic Ticket

Languages Spoken

  • Spanish

About Us

  • As a former police officer and organized crime detective, I learned the value of conducting a thorough criminal investigation. Unfortunately, in today's world a rush to judgment or political agenda often is the measuring stick used to determine who goes to jail. Poor investigative procedures are the unfortunate reason many citizens face arrest for dui, drug crimes, domestic assaults and even capitol cases etc. If only law enforcement took the time to check out all the facts, many innocent people might be spared the nightmare of a criminal prosecution. I have worked with thousands of criminal cases and have over 30 years experience in criminal case investigation. My experience includes k-9 handler and drug detection, organized crime detective, vice detective, narcotics investigator trained by the d.e.a., lead trial prosecutor and criminal defense attorney. Let my experience help you with your legal problems. In our office we will give you of our professional time and attention until your legal difficulties have been resolved.