About Us

  • At Mifflintown Family Chiropractic, Dr. Mark DeBenedetto and Dr. Tami DeBenedetto are certified National Board of Chiropractic examiners, certified chiropractic sports physicians, members of International Chiropractic Association and graduates of Palmer College of Chiropractic.

    We offer a modern office combined with advanced techniques and today's technology. We provide care for your entire family. In the past 20 years, we have successfully treated more than 5,000 patients.

    Here are a few of the many conditions patients have found relief from in our office:

  • Sports, work and accident related injuries
  • Recurring headaches
  • Neck, shoulder and arm pain
  • Whiplash
  • Painful joints and muscle spasms
  • Lower back, hip and leg pain

    We also treat sciatica, numbness in extremities, TMJ, carpal tunnel, asthma and dizziness. We accept most insurance plans, workers' compensation and personal injury. We also accept Medicare, Health America, Health Assurance and Geisinger insurance.

    Our office is open Monday through Friday and we are conveniently located in Mifflintown. Simply take the Mifflintown exit off Route 322, turn onto Industrial Park Road and make the first left onto Weatherby Way. We are the first building on the right (located around the corner from Sheetz).