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About Us

  • Moving Minds ACT Prep Classes prepare high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati for the very important ACT. Specific strategies have been developed by Moving Minds to help students score to their highest potential. A baseline diagnostic test is first given, followed by several classes and additional full-length ACT tests. ACT Prep Classes typically start 5 to 6 weeks prior to the National ACT Test Dates. Higher scores can mean that a student is able to gain acceptance in the college of his choice. Additionally, after enrolling in Moving Minds ACT courses and achieving a higher score, many more scholarship opportunities become available. A key element in Moving Minds ACT Prep Training is to keep classes small, so individualized instruction can be given to each student, focusing on his/her method of studying. Furthermore, students enjoy learning and look forward to the classes, resulting in a high preparation level that they could not have acquired by themselves.