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  • Categories: Industrial Products, General Contractors
  • Payment Options: Invoice

About Us

  • NATURAL SOLUTIONS . . . A DAM SITE - BETTER! LLC holds patents on its fish guidance system (Flow Velocity Enhancement System) and building natural rivers around dams. The FVES generates a natural current that adult and migrating juvenile fish find attractive. For several summers, we tested the FVES in the Cowlitz River in Washington State while developing and improving a riverine fish trap for trap & haul moving of fish around dams.

    In 2008 - 2009, while testing with funding from Bonneville Power Administration, under the direction of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, we discovered the FVES can be a valuable tool in moving debris from water intakes at fossil fuel power plants. Pilot projects to test this hypothesis are pending.

    The FVES can also be used to reduce or help prevent adult fish fallback at ladders, increase attraction to fish ladders, enhance movement to forebay fish bypasses and in thermal mixing.

    The company also maps river / lake bottoms and provides bathemetry maps.We use high-end GPS and sonar equipment and have mapping experience in Oregon, Washington, and Montana.